Saturday, September 29, 2007

Where did you go?

I don't know how my train of thoughts landed on Dee. Its been quite a while since we spoke. Quite a longer while since we said anything meaningful. I wonder why that is.

Dee, who began to talk to me only after an entire year of acquaintance.
Dee, who always wrote with an ink pen.
Dee, who said I was one of a kind.
Dee, who stood by me through out our college days.
Dee, who always helped me with my luggage.
Dee, whose humor almost always rubbed me the wrong way!!
Dee, who put up with my tantrums.
Dee, with whom I associate long bus journeys.
Dee, who had funny notions about sharing food.
Dee, who gauged my mood before putting on some music.
Dee, who has preserved some of our silent conversations on odd bits of buttersheet.
Dee, whom I have fought fiercely with on a long walk from Alsa Mall to Spencer Plaza.

And suddenly we stopped talking...or rather communicating. We would from time to time have phone conversations in which we would keep asking each other what else was new. And then exasperated, one of us would start a fight which would end with promises to keep in touch. And that would be it...back to square one.

Why did we stop being close friends? Why this veneer of ice? Perhaps we have changed....perhaps past hurts seem larger now. Or maybe there isn't much common ground anymore.

But the memories remain.


Anu Russell said...

sometimes some friends move apart from us...but that does not mean that they dont hold those memories close to their heart either...time and changes in life can be blamed for it...and i guess it is alright...because the next time you meet Dee it will be like you had never been away...

Rain said...

@ Anu
i dunno...I've met Dee quite a few times...after the "drift". But its not like the good ol'times. But yeah, the memories are important for the both of us.
I guess its a part of life. And ur right its the time and the changes :).

Anonymous said...

"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have
drawn them there. .... What you choose to do with them is upto you!!"
- Richard Bach