Monday, March 26, 2007

Marketing for the numbed

Its like everybody is out to con you. They say its free and it is; only that to use it you have to pay. They say its on sale and it is; only that it works out just as expensive anyways. Everybody is marketing, Everybody is selling and they push and prod until out of sheer exhaustion you buy.

But a daily commuting, fast food consuming urban dweller develops a partial immunity for this kind of advertising. I say partial because he is already caught in the vicious cycle. The immunity causes his eyes to glaze instantly when commercials that lurk behind talk shows and sitcoms spring out in action. And the promotions on the radio are given the same importance as the hum of the microwave. You get the picture.

What is appalling is the sheer quantity you have to block to preserve your sanity and your bank balance. Thats when you want to leave all the trappings of a capitalist society behind and decide to tread into the wilderness...and what do you know, it follows you there too..."Oh, is your tent branded?" "I'm sorry, this fishing area is reserved for the Platinum members!!"

Sometimes I feel, this culture of hounding/marketing and over advertising is eating into the soul of society. I wonder if there is a way out? I wonder if the corporate biggies can churn out a healthier alternate?

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