Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby rants!!!

Grown ups are confused souls, really. They just can't seem to make up their minds as to what they want. Like mama is trying to feed me somethings...good things, goey things, yucky things. When I purse my lips she says,"Just give it a'll like it!" Then when I actually taste something she comes rushing and pulls it out. "Baby, you can't eat daddy's slipper!!" See, I told you... she can't make up her mind!!!

And then there is daddy...always asking me to say "mama" or "dada" when I'm minding my own business, nibbling on his buttons. Then when I do tell him my problems, he doesn't listen. He just calls out to mama "Baby's crying...maybe he's hungry(?)" Yeah sure, why would I be hungry when I just ate half the notebook you left on the side table?

Sometimes they wont pick me up "You can't be carried about all the time!!" and then other times they won't put me down "Sweety, You can't crawl on the sidewalk" What is a baby to do? Grown ups...You can't live with them or without them!!!!

Baby A

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