Saturday, March 14, 2009

We're all bad...or so we are told!!!

I got this forward that set me said something like "we have forgotten religion, the goodness...we only talk about it during special occasions and forget to apply it to our life...yada yada yada"

Its not just this forward...we find this kind of message everywhere. We're not good Indians, muslims, hindus, citizens of the world, parents, children, healthy name it. People are just out to up the guilt factor. Whats with this attitude? There is so much good out there...are we just blind? We have so much....but all we talk about is bad the world is. How wonderful yesterday was, how pathetic today is and how bleak tomorrow is!

Well, as Gandhi said " Be the change you want to see in the world." So see you see people eating unhealthy snacks all the time and it bothers you? Munch on carrots, keep fit and inspire people to stay healthy!! Stop sending forwards to make us lousy people feel guilty.

I'm sure all of us have something commendable. And the best of us may have a tinsy flaw somewhere. So shut it!!!


Capri said...

Yes, thank you! I think people who like to guilt-trip others are manipulating power-hungry egocentric jerks. All that food-cop propaganda telling me not to eat this and should eat that, and all those forwards that moan on about religion or how much better yesterday was than today are incredibly arrogant and assuming. So thanks for a great "Shut it!" post, I'm sharing this one on my Facebook and other sites. It gets a high5.

Rain said...

Your Welcome, capri!!! Lol...I was letting off some pent up know felt great after writing the post!! Thanks for the comment :)