Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Oh! I made Biryani along with....."

I was in a grumpy mood on Saturday. For no particular reason. Ash tells me "Why dont you call up your mom and tell her you made rava laddu. That will cheer you up!!"

I growled and said nothing but that statement wrung a smile from me later that day. I didn't realize I was so transparent. But its true. I slave over (ok, I'm exaggerating) a new dish, wait for Ash to come home and test it; if and when he shows the thumbs up, I get hyper and excited till I tell some one back home.

It could be because I'm bored or maybe I am so amazed that I am actually not-so-bad at something I expected to fail miserably at. When I first got here, it was an effort to put a brave face, look as if I knew what I was doing and keep reminding myself not to burn down the kitchen. Well, I dint burn it down though the smoke detector has squealed in terror more than a few times.

And its not just cooking but home-making in the general sense. Stacking the magazines, taking out the trash, watering the plant and throwing pebbles at garden lizards.(The last one may not be too house-wifely but its fun)I manage most of it and did I mention that I've not burnt the kitchen down? Yes and finally, I've not lost my sanity. Now, that is an accomplishment.

No, really it is. For the simple reason that i used to be a total career-junkie at one point of time. Getting 8 hours of sleep at night and free time during weekends used to be like a decadent vacation. I used to enjoy the franticly rushing, pedestrian swearing, mad life to the hilt.

But I've not sobered down completely. Have faith in God, humanity and the craziness of my soul. I hope to transform into a coffee gulping, traffic-light running over-worked machine soon. Cheers!!!


Kavitha said...

I've heard this from a number of my friends lately - career-women who got their adrenaline rush from work and project deadlines - how surprised they are that the seemingly "uncool" home-making chores, are infact, very satisfying. Not to disillusion you, but they only last about 3 months though =) Very soon, it's followed by the need to find a "job".

Glad you're enjoying this phase of life. Keep us posted on how it goes!

Rain said...

I know...i keep expecting to suddenly jolt out of this bliss...
I do plan to work/study...lets see how long i play "home-maker" :)

Thanx for ur comment, kavi.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its hard to change from our "used-to-be" character to an asymptotic one. People get upset or even bogged down when this happens in their life.. Believe it or not, its good to have such a change in the one when we started speaking, when we started walking, riding the bicycle, got the first medal etc., but all these came after a periodic and persistent phase of struggle. So may be you are in the struggle phase now....keep doing what you will reach the second phase soon! To put it in the right way, its a slow metamorphosis, a gradual discovery of another set of talents....Just relax and enjoy!!!