Monday, April 2, 2007

Blog About Blogs

Like all new bloggers, I've been surfing the blog-o-sphere to see and perhaps, learn. Well, I'm not gonna crib about those who devote their writing to their daily routine or those who account, very publicly, for every calorie they intake.

I'm gonna crib about cliches. I came across this blog group, or whatever it is they are called, by a few people I am vaguely acquainted to. And they have put together, what seems to me as copies of copies of copies....Like saying something for the sake of saying it. Or saying something that has been said maybe a couple of million times. There is nothing remotely original about the narrative or the content. But to compensate(?), there was an abundance of "desi learns to talk American" phrases.

I'm just wondering is this just an outcome of showing off the "hippest" side of their personalities....or is it that they're thoughts are reduced to this as well?

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